SPARC linac

The SPARC proposal was approved in March 2002. SPARC is born from a collaboration among ENEA, INFN, CNR, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Sincrotrone Trieste and three units of the INFM, and strategically oriented to explore both the feasibility of a ultra-brilliant photo-injector and to perform FEL experiments at ~ 500 nm. In the following years SPARC has developed many improvements on high brilliant injectors, in particular the “velocity bunching“, and added beamlines for THz and Thomson sources. At present, SPARC is strongly oriented to research very high gradient acceleration with plasma in the framework of EuPRAXIA collaboration and with RF linac in the CompactLight collaboration.


Main SPARC components:

Inside the bunker with Google Street View here.


SPARC preliminary (2004) TDR



Last update 03/2019